Creative expression is a possibilityexpression of "his world"
to know and re-know each other,
To create yourself by expressing yourself
It's going to get your resources
Format and color yourtalent, yourabilities
To poetizethe being you're going through hersourcecreative
Print a trace of oneself, which can be ephemeral, in matter,bring to life, bring it to theawareness, to express it, to put it out of oneself to see it, to see oneself
Dospeak the body, through the language that gives it life, allowing it to expressemotions
Activate your creativity, your expressiveness
Rediscover the taste of the game and thespontaneity
Connecting to nature, to one's nature, to the elements
Connect to ses perceptions
Develop your potentials related to the body,sensory and motor
Develop a structure: body and mind coherence
Connect to son story
be in thehere and now...